Hi welcome to the offical lore page for aidan purvis aka bind, this is a public archive with stuff about bind, to IRL pictures & funny memes of bind,

bind is a weirdo who lives in a council estate and sits on discord all he chooses discord over cleaning his room and socializing he also likes to join newgen extortion groups like kaskar and sr1 to feel "harmful" he is not this he is a pathetic loser.

bind aka Aidan Purvis also likes to keep cp on pc and distribute it online over discord not only that he has been ratted multiple times and had his mothers card rinsed LMAO.

Note to bind: This will stay up for everyone to see that You're a loser and a reject who will forever have his name clowned on.

note from gst: bind i wouldve liked you if u wasnt so egotistical and just generally weird i felt like this had to be made

note from fate: hi jittleyang i made this because i just dont like council estate larps and you have a discord persona u hide behind the screen

This site does not contain any sort of CP, nudity or gore as it's illegal and we aren't weird. binds dox made by gst and fate will be attached below in the small chance this does get deleted.

PS bind if you're reading this i would tap ur sister msg me when shes single ill be ur uncle xxx (copy and paste)

Created by gst & fate